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Sunday, July 17, 2011

Go check out True blue Party -info highway on FB

True blue party-info highway A page dedicated to uncovering the truth, bringing facts to everyone! I like it, so should you!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Congress speaks on the Deficit

“The division is apparent in congress.
Republican agenda:
Keep the tax cuts for the1% wealthy-Warren Buffets of the world, no control upon the abuse of the insurance companies.

Democrat agenda:
Preserve and protect so called “entitlement programs” - life line programs and put controls upon the abuses of the Insurance companies. These are the issues that are on the table in congress today.

The deficit crisis came about because of unpaid wars, cut on the wealthiest, and deregulation of Wall Street.

It is immoral what the Republicans are trying to do. They want to eliminate the deficit brought about by the Bush Administration by cutting programs that have been put in place as lifelines for all American Citizens.

Republicans hope to win the election by placing their deficit around Obama’s neck like an albatross, and then blaming him for the deficit and wanting to cut entitlement programs as their resolve. Republicans stand there with straight sincere faces screaming, "It is Obama’s failed policies that have brought this crisis upon our country." They use excuses like stimulus package, and government take over of our Health Care. The spending on the Health Care bill has not even gone into effect yet, but Republicans are blaming it. They simply ignore the CBO analysis of the Health Care Bill and how it will bring down our deficit.

Beware of Republican rhetoric:
“ Democrats are trying to raise taxes on the small businesses,” “The spending on government take over of Health Care is the cause of our crisis,” “Obama’ failed Policies,” and” “We’ve got to do something about the sense of entitlement,” this kind of rhetoric is just not true. Obama administration along with the Democrat congress lowered taxes for the small businesses. Entitlement programs as they call it were there while Clinton was in office. We have the record of Clinton's administration, which brought us out of a deficit and we had a stable economy. Republican leaders want to cut something they have no knowledge of.

Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security are up on the table in congress because Speaker of the house demands this. The Speaker of the house‘s role is very important. Congress comes out today to tell us it has come down to, “Wealthiest vs Most Vulnerable”, and Corporations vs American citizens. They say both sides must sacrifice. It will be painful. I disagree. If we compromise our most vulnerable in order to get the wealthiest corporations to pay their fair share and we fail to take away the Bush tax cuts to the wealthiest the only people who will feel the pain and suffering is the Elderly, poor, working class, disabled, and our children. What is painful is turning on my Television and having to listen to the Republican leaders speaking on this issue and act like they are doing something positive for the American people.

Every citizen has a moral obligation to get out the vote, to change leadership in our house, which directs what is up on the table. ” ~True Blue Party

Sunday, July 10, 2011

The Economy

The causes of the deep recession and struggles of middle class families were many years in the making, and they won’t be solved overnight.

In the last sixteen months, we’ve added over 2.2 million private sector jobs, thanks, in part, to the steps we have taken to break the momentum of the recession. But we all know faster growth is needed to replace the jobs lost in the downturn and put the millions of Americans who are looking for jobs back to work.

· The President is pursuing an array of additional measures to accelerate that growth, including steps to expand American exports, boost manufacturing, ease the process of bringing new products to market and spur public-private partnerships to rebuild Americas infrastructure.

But there is no doubt that one, large brick on growth is the size of the federal debt, and questions about whether we, as a nation, can act responsibly to deal with it and make our future more secure.

· That’s why the President is working to bring Republicans and Democrats in Congress behind a comprehensive effort to get our deficits and debt under control so that our economy is on stronger footing and businesses have the confidence to invest and create jobs.

· President Obama believes in a balanced approach to deficit reduction – one where everyone does their part to restore fiscal responsibility and forces Washington to live within its means just like families are doing across the country.

· Balance requires shared sacrifice – through cutting spending in domestic and defense programs, tackling rising costs in Medicare and Medicaid, and ending special tax breaks and loopholes for the wealthiest Americans and corporate interests.

· We can reduce our deficits while making the investments needed to create good jobs and grow our economy – investments in job-creating areas like education, infrastructure, clean energy and cutting-edge research and technology.

· As we deal with these issues, we also have a responsibility to shore up Medicare and Social Security. With our aging population, a failure to act would jeopardize the hard-earned benefits so central to the security of future retirees.

· The Republican budget plan would end Medicare as we know it, making seniors pay an extra $6,000 for their health care, just so millionaires and billionaires can get another $200,000 tax cut.

· But the President refuses to balance our budgets on the backs of those who can least afford it. That doesn’t make sense, and it’s not who we are as a country.

· Social Security and Medicare are sacred promises based on the idea that we are a people who look out for one another. We believe in basic measures of security and dignity for all of us.

· And to make sure those programs are around for future generations, President Obama believes that both parties should work together now to strengthen them – not end them.

· Reducing our deficit will require balanced solutions and tough decisions. But that’s why he ran for President – to tackle the tough problems that have held us back for so long.

· That’s how we’ll build an America where we live within our means, live up to our fundamental sense of decency and regard for one another, and create new jobs and opportunity for all who work for it.

Friday, July 8, 2011

Exon does it again! OIL SPILL!

Oil Spill in Yellowstone! Contributor "EXON" Is drilling safe proof? What are the ramification of oil spills?