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Thursday, February 16, 2012

Lilly Ledbetter act, Obama putting women first!

If you have not heard about the Lilly Ledbetter Act, here is the story behind it. It is a piece of legislation that helps ensure that women would not be discriminated in the work force with wage. This was a great piece of legislation for women. Obama's actions show he puts women first, that he cares about fairness to all people. I knew this before I read the story sent to me by Lilly Ledbetter , but it just serves to reconfirm it.

The Lilly Ledbetter Act

"My name is Lilly Ledbetter, and I was discriminated against because I'm a woman.

Some of you may have heard my story.

In 1998, after 19 years of service at a Goodyear factory, someone left an anonymous note in my mailbox listing the names and salaries of my male coworkers -- who I learned that day were making at least 20 percent more than I was, even though many had less education, less training, and fewer years on the job.

I went to court and won, but in an appeal, the Supreme Court claimed I should have filed my complaint within six months of the first unfair paycheck. Of course, they didn't say how I was supposed to fight for fair pay when I didn't know I was being paid unfairly.

But that's not why I'm writing you. I'm writing because President Obama heard about my case and went to work fighting for legislation that would prevent his two girls, and an entire generation of young women coming up in the workforce, from ever being disrespected in the same way. The Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act became the first piece of legislation he signed into law as president, exactly three years ago today.

Before he was elected, the President said he'd fight for middle-class people like me, and he kept his promise -- not just on fair pay, but on so many other issues that matter to women.

President Obama didn't have to make fair pay a priority. Lord knows he had enough to worry about those first few weeks in the White House.

But the President is driven by a strong sense of fairness, and the responsibility he believes we have to one another to correct injustice wherever we can.

Part of that comes from his own story. The President's grandmother worked in a bank her whole life, and kept working there long after she hit the glass ceiling. Some of the very men she had trained climbed the corporate ladder ahead of her.

That's part of why he continues to fight for bills like the Paycheck Fairness Act, which he supported in his State of the Union last week. And it's what drove him to fight for the Affordable Care Act -- which ended discrimination against women based on pre-existing conditions, and is providing free preventive services like mammograms and contraception.

Growing up in the South, I learned the value of a good day's work at a young age, picking and chopping cotton two seasons a year. It wasn't until much later that I learned that hard work isn't always enough when folks don't have a president who's looking out for them.

I'm excited to fight alongside President Obama in this election."~Lilly Ledbetter

I am excited too Lilly. Thanks for sharing your story with America.

True Blue Party for Obama

Come check it out it is a page on Face Book All about Obama

Contraception Ruling Adjusted to Accommodate Religious Concerns

"President Obama’s announcement on the contraception ruling addresses concerns raised by religious leaders while still ensuring women can access free preventive care regardless of where they work. This decision changes nothing for women.

· President Obama announced today an adjustment to the Department of Health and Human Services’ contraception ruling that accommodates concerns while protecting women’s health.

· This decision changes nothing for women. Under the President’s new policy, all women will have access to free preventive care including contraception no matter where they work.
o If a woman works for a religiously affiliated university or hospital that objects to providing contraception coverage, her insurance company – not her employer – will offer her free contraception.
o As always, no religious institution will have to provide contraception directly, while female employees will have access to free contraception if they so want it.

· Today’s announcement reflects the President’s strong commitment to both preserving religious liberty and protecting women’s health. He listened to the concerns of religious organizations and understood them, having begun his career working with local churches that sometimes helped communities more than any government ever could.

· The President’s health reform ensured contraception would be covered with no out-of-pocket cost to women, and today’s announcement maintains that policy.
o Doctors prescribe contraception for medical and health reasons, including helping to reduce the risk of some cancers, serious infections and cysts.
o Despite the important health benefits confirmed by medical research, many women skip contraceptive care because of its cost.
o Nearly 99 percent of women have relied on contraception in their lives, but more than half of women between 18 and 34 years old have struggled to afford it.
o This is a commonsense idea. Twenty-eight states already require employers to cover contraception, covering more than half the U.S. population.

· People of good will on both sides of the debate have fought to find a solution that works for everyone. The policy announced today achieves that goal, protecting our Constitutional right of religious liberty while maintaining women’s access to free preventive care. Many organizations, including faith-based ones, have already come out in support of it:
o Catholic Health Services.
o Catholics United.
o Planned Parenthood.
· While the President’s reasoned and just decision respects religious liberty and protects a woman’s right to make decisions about her health, Republicans would remove that right. Mitt Romney, Rick Santorum, Speaker John Boehner, Senator Marco Rubio and other Congressional Republicans want to take this right away from women and put it in the hands of their employers. "