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Friday, April 18, 2014

What It Means To Be A Liberal

What Does Being A Liberal Mean?

Have you ever wondered? I spent much time thinking about this question. With many people saying their is no difference , between liberal Democrats and Conservative Republicans, and some people coming up with their own opinion. I felt it was important to help others see there is a difference. Not the difference that people conclude as a matter of opinion, but a difference
by definition in their core values.

While I spent time in a progressive group watching people talk about what a progressive is, and what the jobs of other Democratic groups were, and even some members making derogatory statements about others and their beliefs, along with some name calling, ban wagon jumping, stirring up hate, which I generally see in a Tea Party group, and people leaving the group,it dawned on me that maybe it was time to try and get people to think about, "What is a Liberal?"

I know that I had already done my soul searching and my beliefs were founded in solid ground. Some how I wondered about my comrades. Did they even know what the core values off a Democrat was? I dedicate this post to all those who wonder, or who are not sure, or to those who want to make up their own idea of what anliberals is. Find out if you are a liberal?

"What does it mean to be a Democrat or Liberal? I asked this question in a Progressive group and only one person answered.

This is what helped in my anwer to why I am a Democrat (Liberal):

First, understanding the meaning of what a liberal is becomes a very important factor in deciding if you are a liberal or not, at least it was for me. If you base what you believe to be true upon the actions of others they will disappoint you, instead become that good you wish to see in the world. Here is the meaning taken from Audio English


Pronunciation (US): ​

Dictionary entry overview: What does liberal mean?

• LIBERAL (noun)

The noun LIBERAL has 2 senses:

1. a person who favors a political philosophy of progress and reform and the protection of civil liberties

2. a person who favors an economic theory of laissez-faire and self-regulating markets

Familiarity information: LIBERAL used as a noun is rare.

• LIBERAL (adjective)

The adjective LIBERAL has 5 senses:

1. showing or characterized by broad-mindedness

2. having political or social views favoring reform and progress

3. tolerant of change; not bound by authoritarianism, orthodoxy, or tradition

4. given or giving freely

5. not literal

Familiarity information: LIBERAL used as an adjective is common.

​Dictionary entry details

​• LIBERAL (noun)

​Sense 1​ liberal ​

A person who favors a political philosophy of progress and reform and the protection of civil liberties"

Hypernyms ("liberal" is a kind of...): ​

"Hyponyms (each of the following is a kind of "liberal"): ​

latitudinarian (a person who is broad-minded and tolerant (especially in standards of religious belief and conduct))

neoliberal (a liberal who subscribes to neoliberalism)

pluralist (someone who believes that distinct ethnic or cultural or religious groups can exist together in society)

Whig (a member of the political party that urged social reform in 18th and 19th century England; was the opposition party to the Tories)"

​Sense 2​ liberal ​

A person who favors an economic theory of laissez-faire and self-regulating markets

Classified under: ​

Hypernyms ("liberal" is a kind of...): adult; grownup (a fully developed person from maturity onward)"

•" LIBERAL (adjective)

Sense 1​ liberal ​

Showing or characterized by broad-mindedness"

Sense 2​ liberal ​

Having political or social views favoring reform and progress"

"Sense 3​ liberal ​

Tolerant of change; not bound by authoritarianism, orthodoxy, or tradition

socialised; socialized (under group or government control)

progressive; reform-minded; reformist (favoring or promoting reform (often by government action))

neoliberal (having or showing belief in the need for economic growth in addition to traditional liberalistic values)

liberalistic (having or demonstrating belief in the essential goodness of man and the autonomy of the individual; favoring civil and political liberties, government by law with the consent of the governed, and protection from arbitrary authority)

civil-libertarian (having or showing active concern for protection of civil liberties protected by law)"

"Sense 4​ liberal ​

Given or giving freely"

"Sense 5​ liberal ​

Not literal"

Definition of Democratic online Merriam-Webster : :

: based on a form of government in which the people choose leaders by voting : of or relating to democracy


: of or relating to one of the two major political parties in the U.S. : relating to the idea that all people should be treated equally

Full Definition of DEMOCRATIC

1 : of, relating to, or favoring democracy

often capitalized : of or relating to one of the two major political parties in the United States evolving in the early 19th century from the anti-federalists and the Democratic-Republican party and associated in modern times with policies of broad social reform and internationalism

: relating to, appealing to, or available to the broad masses of the people

: favoring social equality : not snobbish

— dem·o·crat·i·cal·ly adverb

Examples of DEMOCRATIC

Democratic elections were held there today for the first time.

First known use : 1602


the country's new democratic constitution

Debates are an important part of the democratic process.The Democratic candidate for governor won the debate.Most of these policies appeal to Democratic interview with a leader of the Democratic PartyThe organization works to promote democratic reforms around the world.First Known Use of DEMOCRATICSynonymspopular, republican, self-governing, self-rulingAntonymsnondemocratic, undemocraticRelated Wordsrepresentative; libertarian, nontotalitarianNear Antonymsautocratic (also autocratical), despotic, dictatorial, monarchal (or monarchial), monarchical (also monarchic), tyrannical (also tyrannic)​

"Democrat - Definition Definition of DEMOCRAT.

1. a: an adherent of democracy. b: one who practices social equality .

2. capitalized: a member of the Democratic party of the United States."

I wanted to Look at all the information and make an informed choice
. It was not based on the people but based on the ideas and principles that I hold true.


"A. Rights of the Individual Right to life Right to liberty Right to dignity Right to security Right to equality of opportunity Right to justice Right to privacy Right to private ownership of property

B. Freedoms of the Individual Freedom to participate in the political process Freedom of worship Freedom of thought Freedom of conscience Freedom of assembly Freedom of inquiry Freedom of expression

C. Responsibilities of the Individual To respect human life To respect the rights of others To be tolerant To be honest To be compassionate To demonstrate self-control To participate in the democratic process To respect the property of others

D. Beliefs Concerning Societal Conditions and Governmental Responsibilities Societies need laws that are accepted by the majority of the people. Dissenting minorities are protected. Government is elected by the people. Government respects and protects individual rights. Government respects and protects individual freedoms. Government guarantees civil liberties. Government works for the common good. Source: John Jarolimek, Chair, NCSS Task Force on Scope and Sequence, "Social Studies for Citizens of a Strong and Free Nation," in Social Curriculum Planning Resources (Washington, D.C.: National Council for the Social Studies, 1990), 31-32. "

Do you see yourself in the above?

Progressive is just another word for a Liberal.

With all the different titles it should never take us away from our core values. At first I wondered why there we so many groups with in the Democratic Party. Then, as I learned more with in my journey, I realized that many of them were focused on more specific issues, as many different people had issues that were and are effecting them most in their lives. Women, Disabled, Hispanic, etc., there are some groups I am not sure what the issues are, but again under the Party of Democrats it should not take anyone away from the core values. In Utah there is the LDS Democrats, perhaps formed by the Democratic Party, to help people feel there were others with their same religious beliefs that are Democrats. I do not believe it has a job to bring others to the middle (?) as one commenter stated . When looking above at the definition, "What does middle mean?" It should never be the job of any group to divide us, or as someone said to bring people over to being Moderate or all those labels that society has given.

It was commented in a feed, that a person who called them self a Democrat, told a person who was thinking about becoming one, to wait. To wait until they get to know all the wonderful people that belonged to the Party. I am afraid that somewhere down the road, in waiting, the person may be disappointed. Your values and what you believe can not be based upon another, but must come from within your being, as you understand what the meaning is, of what you have chosen. If not, then you build your house upon an unstable foundation and it will not stand, when the storm comes. Wait(?) Injustice, poverty, oppression, sickness, and the future, which is effected by those we put in office and the laws we make do not wait. Every day that we put off, and encourage others to putt off, can have a very negative result. If you truly believe in the core values, then share them with others, you may find they believe as you do. If they do, then True Blue Party is the right place, if they don't then thats Ok, there is a place for them in the political realm.

It would be more effective to lead by example, realizing that we all can fall short, and educate yourself on what it really means to be a Liberal, and what are the laws they support, so that you can educate others about what we believe.

If you ridicule other peoples religious beliefs, you could be ridiculing your fellow Liberal, and as you read above, liberals are tolerant of others beliefs. If you are not, then you are not a liberal. We must Unite, not divide. When I talk about dividing, I do not mean to act as sheep, it is right to call your leaders out when they are not reflecting the core values, when they do not follow policy,when , if you believe, they are not the leader that you would have. We have elections and a vote can change the leadership. By all means work to help make people aware of what is going on, let them come ​​​to their own conclusions. Change will come if you change YOU some. ​​​

Obama is a great example of a liberal. "When The Going Gets Tough, The Tough Get Going".

When I read what Liberals are, and what they stand for, I can conclude, and Happily say" I am a Liberal" Democrat. True Blue! Make the party, don't let the party make you.

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