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Saturday, September 5, 2020


I am reposting an article I wrote about Nancy Pelosi on November 5. 2010, called,” Pelosi Delivers” The reason for the repost is the link to her speech no longer exists from Fox News.I also no longer choose Fox News as my resource for any information. I have found it archived, Nancy’s Speech to the National Association of Counties, on their 75th anniversary. Original Post, “PELOSI DELIVERED This link is Fox News ( THIS OLD LINK IS NO LONGER AVAILABLE of The famous Speech of Pelosi that was misquoted from foa news) Look at how people can read and hear what she has to say yet continue to follow the spin. Are we really a bunch of Sheep? Pelosi....I kept hearing people say her name. I did not know who this Pelosi was that people seemed to like and not like. My friend's husband compared me to her,when I was talking about Health Care and Obama. He is not an Obama fan and a Rebulican. I thought she can't be all bad if I sound like her. I went to check her out, just to see who I was being compared too. I am still not sure why certain people don't like her. What I saw was a woman who helped pass a big piece of legislation that benefited millions of Americans. Then I heard she said " We need to pass it so we know what's in it" referring to the Health Care Bill. If that was true, I would have to agree that was not a reason to pass a Health Care Bill. Nor was it a very smart thing to say. But from my own life experiences I have learned not to take things as true without checking it out, or to pass judgment on another person without knowing all the facts. So I googled it. Sure enough, just as I suspected people were taking only a piece of what she said and spreading it around the internet. If they took the time to listen to the whole speech and know who her audience was they would have understood what she was saying and to whom. This is what was said “But we have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it, away from the fog of the controversy. She says so that YOU can find out. She was not talking to congress or Caffetz. She was speaking to the National Association of Counties, on their 75th anniversary. She was invited to speak to them. She did not say this to congress, the people voting on it and putting it together. She was saying it to people who were not part of the voting of the bill, and perhaps would not get a chance to read it. She also said a lot of good things that never got quoted. Go to read her speech. Jason Chaffetz actually used it as an excuse for not voting for the Health Care Bill. Did he go to this organization's 75 th anniversary and believe Nancy was talking to him? Maybe he should have skipped the little get together and read the bill. Let's stop being witch hunters just because someone says WITCH! Debra Ilunga (True Blue Party)

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