Wisconsin is Republican broke, but it's not broke," said Mordecai Lee, a UW-Milwaukee political science professor and former Democratic state lawmaker. "Broke suggests near bankruptcy."
Using the word "broke" helps Walker frame the debate around his controversial budget plans on his terms, Lee said, suggesting spending cuts are the only option and any tax increases are out of the question."
I think we better think it out again!
"Cautious, careful people, always casting about to preserve their reputation and social standing, never can bring about a reform. Those who are really in earnest must be willing to be anything or nothing in the world's estimation, and publicly and privately, in season and out, avow their sympathy with despised and persecuted ideas and their advocates, and bear the consequences." ~Susan B. Anthony
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Monday, April 11, 2011
Friday, April 8, 2011
Where do planned parenthoods funds go?
Jon Kyl is sorry If He Gave Anyone The Impression That The Things He Says In Public Are Factual, for making false remarks on the congress floor about Planned Parent hood stating that 90 percent of what they do was abortions. I am for all life but here is the truth. Planned parenthood facts; 90% of what they do is preventative care. They provide 1,000,000 cervical cancer scans, 830,000 breast exams, birth control for 2,500,000, 4,000,000 tests for STDs and 3% of their clients have abortions, none of which are paid for with federal money because that is illegal. Quit lying to the American public Republican leaders, cause I will call you out on it! This shut down is not About Abortions! That word is just a reactive word put out there for some Republican voters, cause it seems to always work. Compassion in all things! Is anyone listening. A copy of Planned Parent hoods financial statements This shows how much money goes to them from the government and private. Private is huge, and again no gov. funds go to fund Abortions...
Mike Lee states shut down was Obama's Plan!
Can someone tell him it is better to keep your mouth shut and be thought a fool? Last time he opened his mouth he wanted to do get rid of child labor laws!Utah why did you vote this guy in? I tried to warn you!
Can we just impeach him just for beihttp://www.rawstory.com/rs/2011/04/07/sen-mike-lee-obama-planned-government-shutdown/ We all know that Republican leadership never compromises. Now they want us
Can we just impeach him just for beihttp://www.rawstory.com/rs/2011/04/07/sen-mike-lee-obama-planned-government-shutdown/ We all know that Republican leadership never compromises. Now they want us
Thursday, April 7, 2011
Shock poll: 46% of Mississippi Republicans think interracial marriage should be illegal
This is a Stop the insanity post. It is hard for me to believe that people still think like this. It seems so medieval. I can not grasp this kind of thinking. "No one is a Primary Color." And mixing colors always makes a painting beautiful. To read "Shock poll: 46% of Mississippi Republicans think interracial marriage should be illegal " was very upsetting. It is personal for me! Yet another reason why I am a Democrat!
Who pays the most taxes?
This question is complicated and you can find many links that say different things. It's hard to know exactly what is correct. Here is one analysis that appears to be non partisan and tries to give a rather easy understanding of how all the Taxes tend to work. In it's analysis it showed the top 10 states that are considered regressive. "The study’s main finding is that nearly every state and local tax system takes a much
greater share of income from middle- and low-income families than from the wealthy. That
is, when all state and local income, sales, excise and property taxes are added up, most state
tax systems are regressive.Fairness is, of course, in the eye of the beholder. Yet almost anyone would agree that the
best-off families should pay at a tax rate at least equal to what low- and middle-income
families pay. Virtually every state fails this basic test of tax fairness: as this study documents,
only two states require their best-off citizens to pay as much of their incomes in taxes as their
very poorest taxpayers must pay, and only one state taxes its wealthiest individuals at a higher
effective rate than middle-income families have to pay." "Texas Taxes on Bottom 20 Percent of Income Earners Fifth Highest in the Nation"
greater share of income from middle- and low-income families than from the wealthy. That
is, when all state and local income, sales, excise and property taxes are added up, most state
tax systems are regressive.Fairness is, of course, in the eye of the beholder. Yet almost anyone would agree that the
best-off families should pay at a tax rate at least equal to what low- and middle-income
families pay. Virtually every state fails this basic test of tax fairness: as this study documents,
only two states require their best-off citizens to pay as much of their incomes in taxes as their
very poorest taxpayers must pay, and only one state taxes its wealthiest individuals at a higher
effective rate than middle-income families have to pay." "Texas Taxes on Bottom 20 Percent of Income Earners Fifth Highest in the Nation"
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Will GOP 60 billion tax cuts help the deficit and grow economy?
It has been said that 700.000.00 jobs will be lost.Goldman Sachs economist "says spending cuts passed by the House of Representatives last week would be a drag on the economy, cutting economic growth by about two percent of GDP. " Geithner say's: GOP Spending Cuts Could Cost Jobs . Mark Zandi say's "it will be approximately 550,000 in the private sector and 150,000 in the public sector.", But of coarse the GOP do not agree with these stats. They have no stats of their own so far, just an opinion by a John Taylor given to Boehner Speaker of the house.One thing they did agree on was it would slow down economy and eliminate jobs...just the amount of jobs were debatable. So what direction are we suppose to be going? Create jobs or eliminate? Cost the government money or make money? Help economy or drag it back down? Goldmans report
You see what a voice can do! Go Wisconsin!
A friend of mine Glenn posted this and said "Well the people are speaking and after only 3 months the GOP and the TP are sinking." Conservative Justice David Prosser May Lose Wisconsin Supreme Court Seat: What Can a Down-to-the-Wire State Supreme Court Race in Wisconsin Tell Us About 2012? Be that voice!
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Are Republicans looking for Superior Moral Justification for selfishness?
Look who thought so: "The modern conservative is engaged in one of man's oldest exercises in moral philosophy; that is, the search for a superior moral justification for selfishness." ~John Kenneth Galbraith
Stop the insanity! Vote Democrat 2012!
Speaker of the house (R) Boehner states, "Can't pay your student loan? Face it your parents were lazy and you couldn't afford college. The world needs ditch diggers and you were born into a family of them. Can't pay your mortgage? Your house was too expensive and you couldn't afford it."It's not going to happen in the US. The kids here are too fat, too lazy, to addicted to TV, fast food, cheap credit, and facebook.” Don't believe my quote click on the link!
Other sources:
Other sources:
Obama Efforts to help home owners keep the dream!
Obama comes to the rescue of home owners. In an effort to try and help people achieve the American Dream Obama launches mortgage rescue plan!
Monday, April 4, 2011
Speaker of the house Boehner never ceases to amaze me!!!
If you got a student loan Speaker of the house Boehner say's your Parents were Lazy! The epitome of the Republican party! Democrats get busy and get out the vote in 2012 and unseat this guy! That should send a message. I am appalled at the lack of understanding and compassion of these leaders. In Utah it was conference weekend for the LDS church. The church leaders talked about service. Service comes from love and compassion, how can Utah stay red when members continually hear these kind of things from the Republican leadership! It goes AGAINST their principles. Vote Democrat Utah!!!Stop the insanity!
Saturday, April 2, 2011
Take a look at what else Ms Brewer is doing!
Republican AZ Gov. Brewer to cut Adult Ed. Governor Jan Brewer is proposing to cut all state funding for adult education, which means eliminating all of the state’s GED programs in addition to cutting other programs that 42 thousand people are enrolled in; although having a GED herself prior to her certification as a radiological technician, she's cutting all funding for adult education. Despite having a son institutionalized for life in a hospital for the criminally insane (yeah, they call it that here) has cut $36 million in mental health funds.
I thought Republican leaders were againsts redistribution of wealth?
Looks like they are only for redistribution if it trickles to the poor, but when it trickles to the wealthy .......well.... that's another story! Companies who pay the least amount in Federal Taxes. I am not saying Taxing people is what is needed, I would like to see a different tax system, but I am saying under what we have now...let's be fair! Middle class and small businesses carry the weight! Quit picking on the poor and working class you bullies!!!Stand up for your rights!
Arizona Republican Leader wants over weight people to pay fines if they are poor or elderly
This was not an April fools joke! A Republican leader strikes again! Arizona Governor, Republican Brewer has decided to revamp the states medicaid system by fining smokers and overweight people on medicaid . What are the problems you see with this kind of bill? First of all it is intrusive to peoples personal lives. It says if you are poor or elderly you have to be a non smoker and thin. Then it puts a burden on people who already have little money. I have already raised my children to never discriminate or make fun of people different then you. This Bill does that! If you notice all bills Republican leaders are coming up with only effect the poor and middle class. The workers! Heaven forbid the extremely wealthy pay their fair share of Taxes. Check out my post on who pays the least federal taxes!
America What do you think of our President Now!
Solid jobs growth in March shows recovery is for real I am sure there will still be negative opinions, but can you open your eyes despite your heart, and perhaps have a slight change of heart? Utah Obama deserves your vote, and America thanks for seeing beyond the fog and electing him. Obama 2012!
Friday, April 1, 2011
Get Up Stand Up Bob Marley "Don't Give Up the Fight!
My husband was singing this song this morning and it inspired me, in turn I hope to inspire you!
"He had this idea. It was kind of a virologist idea. He believed that you could cure racism and hate... literally cure it, by injecting music and love into people's lives. When he was scheduled to perform at a peace rally, a gunman came to his house and shot him down. Two days later he walked out on that stage and sang. When they asked him why - He said, "The people, who were trying to make this world worse... are not taking a day off. How can I? Light up the darkness"~Killuminatiuk
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