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Saturday, April 2, 2011

Arizona Republican Leader wants over weight people to pay fines if they are poor or elderly

This was not an April fools joke! A Republican leader strikes again! Arizona Governor, Republican Brewer has decided to revamp the states medicaid system by fining smokers and overweight people on medicaid . What are the problems you see with this kind of bill? First of all it is intrusive to peoples personal lives. It says if you are poor or elderly you have to be a non smoker and thin. Then it puts a burden on people who already have little money. I have already raised my children to never discriminate or make fun of people different then you. This Bill does that! If you notice all bills Republican leaders are coming up with only effect the poor and middle class. The workers! Heaven forbid the extremely wealthy pay their fair share of Taxes. Check out my post on who pays the least federal taxes!

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