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Tuesday, May 31, 2011


Check out the 25 ways of disinformation are you a victim yet????

Can you live on Minimum Wage?

A new study says you can't

Bushes UNGODLYTorture regime did not bring down the Fall of Osama Bin Laden, Obama's abolishment of it did !

I have always been against torture of another human being. I believe it is against the word of god and humanity! Once it was abolished by a leader named Barrack (which means blessed by god) Obama , who came and followed those words of god,along with his sense of good leadership was able to bring about the fall of Osama Bin Laden. Torture did not bring about this

I will say it again Torture did not work

If Arizona Republican McCain states this will you believe it?
There he said it!


I saw a link with Mitt Romney claiming president Obama was not effective. Mitt have you not looked at his record? Obama has been the most effective President ever!
Most effective communicator!
Effective Military Leader
Effective commander-in-chief of the armed forces of the United States.
Effective in keeping his eye in the ball, and making sure the job gets done


TRUE BLUE PARTY: OBAMA! WHAT HAVE YOU DONE FOR ME LATELY?: "I would say President Obama has been hard at work doing a lot for the American people, and for many who show no gratitude. Come take a look:..."

TRUE BLUE PARTY: Joe Republican

TRUE BLUE PARTY: Joe Republican: "A friend of mine posted this in a group I am in, and I thought it was good, and definitely hit home! Vote for those who vote for you! A Day..."

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Memorial Day Weekend

Happy Memorial Day weekend..may we not forget all those who fought and died for our freedoms.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Does government funds go to pay for abortions?

Republicans want to block $70 million Planned Parenthood receives each year under Title X, a program implemented under Republican President Richard Nixon in 1970 to provide contraceptives, cancer screenings, and pregnancy and sexually transmitted disease testing at community health centers across the country. And they want to cut off $293 million the clinics receive through Medicare.

Conservative lawmakers say the money indirectly subsidizes abortions, despite the fact that the federal Hyde Amendment expressly prohibits such use of taxpayer funds.

Another reliable resource on this topic is Fact Check

Does government funds go to pay for abortions?The answer is NO!

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Where does the GOP stand on Drilling in the Ocean? Drill baby Drill!

Thank goodness for the Senate Dems and 5 Republicans that blocked a bill to speed up drilling in the oceans.Our gas price rising is due to market manipulation,not because of lack of oil.GOP wants to speed up drilling in the oceans. Our oceans are a very important part of the circle of life and we need to be responsible.

Monday, May 23, 2011

TBP Will never support Torture of another human being!

Torture?Medevil Times should of taught us enough about the lessons of "Torture". My spiritual beliefs stand against this idea, and hopefully so do yours!