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Tuesday, May 31, 2011


I saw a link with Mitt Romney claiming president Obama was not effective. Mitt have you not looked at his record? Obama has been the most effective President ever!
Most effective communicator!
Effective Military Leader
Effective commander-in-chief of the armed forces of the United States.
Effective in keeping his eye in the ball, and making sure the job gets done


  1. Keeping his eye on the golf ball, that's what you meant, and effective communicator, yeah he can look you straight in the eye while lies spew from his mouth, yep, yep he's REALLY good at THAT! Oh and you might ask the military what they think of him, gee, who would have thunk they would have such bad things to say about such a sweet (barf barf!!) guy!!!!

  2. Many people felt that he should have spent all day mourning and/or honouring the dead military. I'm feeling that he should have spent the day memorializing the veterans personally, but instead, he spent the morning with some veterans for breakfast before laying wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier and then, spent the afternoon golfing. We must remember Mr. Obama needs time away too and although it would seem like he should spend time with honouring the USA vets, he also should be allowed time off to relax.

    C'mon PV - give him a break, eh? It's hard enough being the president. Do you agree?

  3. Considering he just got back from another vacation to see some long lost relative. He has had nothing but time off.

  4. A simple Fact Check will show that Obama not only took less vacation days than Bush, but that Republicans tend to take more than Democrats overall.

    Reagan's 1st year in office: 42 days
    GW Bush's 1st year: 69 days
    HW Bush's 1st year: 40 days

    By comparison

    Carter's 1st year: 19 days
    Clinton's 1st year: 21 days
    Obama's 1st year: 26 days

    So you'll have to go somewhere other than 'vacation time' for feigned outrage.
    As for how he spent his Memorial Day. He respectfully laid a wreath at Arlington and gave a solemn speech. As he should have. He's not a puppet that folks should attempt jerking around for their own interests.

    Methinks people who complain about something like this would find something wrong with him if he cured cancer. Get a life, Pamela.

  5. Nice comparison! Did you notice Jimmy Carter had taken the least vacation days? He has always been a hard working man!
    Jimmy Carter managed to get Hostages released without blood shed on January 20, 1981, at the very moment that Ronald Reagan had completed his inaugural address after having been sworn in as President of the United States to replace Jimmy Carter. Then Republicans wanted to give the Credit to Reagan, yet, after 3 years of Obama being in office and getting Osama Bin Laden, Republicans again want to give Bush the credit even though he left office 3 years ago. Certainly not consistent in their thinking.
