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Monday, September 12, 2011

" Support American Jobs Act " Sign "I'M IN "!

click here AMERICAN JOBS ACT sign Im' IN and show your support!

I Just got off a conference call with the President of the United States, of coarse I was not alone, there were tens of thousands of leaders on with me. Obama talked about the American Jobs Act, and what it means to all of us. How important it is for us to amplify our desires to create jobs NOW. Republicans want to go backwards and revert to the old policies that did not work.

Obama claimed a good idea is good no matter where it comes from. I agree! He sent the bill to congress today! He spoke about how this bill keeps true to our values

1.It honors our Vets by giving businesses more incentives to hire our vets. He said everyone who has served our country in the military should not have to grovel for a job when they come home.
2.It does not add to our deficit(Repeat if necessary)
3.Judge on Merits
4. Fair(fair share and fair shake) hard work is rewarded!

This bill has real solutions , Like Lowering taxes on the middle class that puts more money in their pocket allowing them to spend out in the market. It invest in small business, It invest in our kids. Teachers, Firefighters, and nurses will not have to suffer layoffs , which will happen if nothing is done or if we go back to old policies. Senator Orrin Hatch of Utah made a comment at his "revenue and spending" speech at UVU, that Obama did not have a clear vision for growing jobs, and the only Jobs Obama wanted to create was union jobs on roads and infrastructure, but let me remind Orrin Hatch of the devastation of Katrina, and the failure to invest in infrastructure! Also he forgets that investing in this puts lots of people to work not just Union. Engineers, drafters, etc. Hatch seems to be more concerned with getting a Republican elected as President and helping the wealthy businesses destroy the Union then he really is in our Jobs creation and helping the American people gain employment NOW! This bill needs to be past and Obama needs our help! Here is a link American Jobs Act to help you and everyone understand it, and as the day's go by more will be added to the site, we are one of the first to get it, and they will also be putting up how it will help each state. Please do your part and get this website out every where. Get informed and help inform others. This link is on True blue party-INFO HIIGHWAY. Get the Facts Get the facts, I see a vision and a clear cut idea for jobs. Call your congressman and tell them to support the bill!!!!

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