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Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Texas Governor Rick Perry fails to give clemency to an innocent man

How many days ago did we watch The Republican Debate where people cheered about Governor Perry's execution record? What was Question asked of Perry in connection with Killing and innocent man? What was his response?

I have posted a story that is 17 pages called Trial by Fire . I ask you to take time to read. A story of how a Texas Governor named Rick Perry had the opportunity to save an innocent man, by reading a Report from Mr Hurst an arson scientist. This report, which was in the file, exonerated the man who was found guilty based on another report, that used no scientific facts to it's conclusion, and now he is dead.

Perry was given the file and yet ignored the report and did not grant clemency. This story is one I am sure he would not want out, but we must re post and get the truth out, if for anything else for the father who was executed for a crime he did not commit. This story should be told over and over again. Rick Perry should never hold the high office of our country. Read Trial by Fire


  1. My concern is he was too incompetent to follow up one the report. Perhaps he could not comprehend what was written. I really question his intelligence. He is not qualified for the Presidential office, much less a governor. Koch have provided a slew of stupid candidates and elected officials. But then, they don't have to write legislation as long as lobbiest and ALEC produce the law for them. You and I are as qualified a the dopes those Big Boys put in front of the public. If Bubba can read, he can earn 174,000 a year to do the same thing and trade his shack for a bigger house. These trends have to end!

  2. What do you mean "AS"? I think we are more qualified! It doesn't take a rocket scientist to support legislation. It doesn't take a Degree to have common sense and intelligence. Having a heart and a conscience should exist in all people. This man seems to be lacking in the heart and conscience area. Perhaps he has been educated, but what did he do with that education? "With great power comes great responsibility."
