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Sunday, June 26, 2011

If nobody wants to listen to me maybe you will listen to this little girl when she speaks about the enviroment

Our environment we take for granted. Listen to this young girl 13 years old. When will certain members of congress stop and listen? You should know who isn't listening, it's the ones who vote against policies that would help our air, water , lands , ocean, marine life, and wild life.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Why do people believe as they do? Wild fires are in Texas and many Texans want to blame Obama instead of their Govenor Rick Perry

In contemplating this, I wondered, Why do conservatives continue to believe lies when they make no sense. Then I saw this quote: "How many lies can you allow yourself to believe, before you belong to the lie?" –Mort Sahl"

I was frustrated to say the least today. I was on FB today and I noticed a friend of mine posting a link about "Texas wild fires." She added this to the top "Call Washington and ask why is it they will not help Texas fight Forest Fires? To be President is to serve regardless of political affiliation and differences." If you came across this post with out any knowledge about the subject you might agree with this statement. If you made a judgment based on this one statement and jumped in the "yell at Obama for not doing anything about this horrible situation with the fires" wagon, you might be guilty of believing a lie. I came along reading this post and decided to straighten out this misrepresentation. I first stated that Republican Governor Rick Perry from Texas was offered money, but did not agree to pay it back. Then I decided to post a link which I felt was unbiased. The poster chose not to look at the link. They had an opportunity to educate them selves on the subject but chose not to so. Many people have missed opportunities to grow. Truth can be handed to them yet they refuse to look. I could not understand this persons rationality, as they have been an out spoken Environment advocate. Yet, they sat at their computer further typing Obama hate words.They actually spit on the man who has supported their cause. Why? They believe the lie. They further attacked me for having a personal cause, and posting propaganda. This again made no sense. I do stand for a cause. They are partly right, but the cause I stand for is not personal it is a cause for all people. Martin Luther King once said "I Have A Dream" Gandhi too had a dream, Jesus had a dream. The Dream that all people can live in harmony with each other. The dream that no one will be judged or hated based upon the color of their skin, religion, gender, or sexual orientation. That all people have the same opportunities to live a full and happy life, that with in that life they can find justice. That no person should go to bed hungry. That our fellow man should have a safe place to rest his head.That all people should never worry about how they are going to pay for their Health care or worry if they can even get treated, then worry if they can afford the medicine.That human life is valued. We do not kill because of our differences. I too have this Dream. These ideas are not mine they have always been with us. I only hope that what ever I do will contribute to this Dream. Why do people think how they do. ""How many lies can you allow yourself to believe, before you belong to the lie?" –Mort Sahl"

If someone tells you to do something that detours you from the Dream, then you know it is a lie. Always seek for truth and when you find it , it will feel good! It will be good to all man kind.

Take a look at what Obama did to help the environment in his first 100 days

Obama's work in helping our environment go green in his first 100 days, and this was just the beginning. I find it ironic that any person who claims they are Green would speak out against Obama.It happens though every day. My Texas friend is an avid environmentalist, yet talks against the very party and President that supports the issues she holds dear. Isn't it IRONIC? Don't you think?

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Pink speaks to President Bush in a song!

Dear Mr. President Today I would change Mr.President , to Dear "Fellow Americans", because they are the ones who can bring the change by voting for congress leaders who will remember the above things mentioned in this song, and you will most likely find that leader among the Party of the Democrats.. Stop the insanity, Vote Democrat!

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Obama's Promises Kept!

Obama's Promises Kept there are 7 pages of promises Kept by Obama, and one I remember was that he would not be afraid to get Osama bin Laden where he lives! Not bad for his first Term!!!Imagine what he could have done with support. Support Obama Now! Vote Obama 2012! He has kept more promises than anyone I know!

Friday, June 10, 2011

Health care Point by Point: What don't you like about it?

Before you say you are against Obama Care why dont' you check out the short may just like it... Hopefully

Friday, June 3, 2011

What the new Health care Law does for you!

All I can say is thank you Obama, and the leaders in congress who cared more about you the people than some of the people cared about themselves or others. Learn about the benefits of the NEW HEALTH CARE Bill and what it means to you, and quite your whining...just be glad some ones in congress watching out for your interest and quit listening to people who give you no facts on the subject and even lied to you! We can even make it better! Vote for those who vote for you...Looks like it was a Democrat again!

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Why I am a Liberal ?

I asked some liberal friends who are members of TBP, why they are a Liberals? Here is what they said:

Kevin Sullivan:
"I'm a liberal because I hate slavery and I loathe LIES and LIARS. That's ALL conservatives have EVER engineered.This IS a Liberal country, STARTING with George Washington, "As Mankind becomes more liberal, they will be more apt to allow that all those who conduct themselves as worthy members of the community are equally entitled to the protections of... civil government. I hope ever to see America among the foremost nations of justice and liberality.”
And THAT we were, and successful by any measure in the wake of LIberalism finest era The New Deal. That is until the powell memo commenced the conservative reign of terror that has pressed its malevelence for many years till this moment in time. The moment when they would begin to pull the trigger on SHOCK DOCTINE."

"Against the assault of laughter, nothing can stand."
— Mark Twain"

Michelle Vidal:
"I am a liberal. I believe in helping my fellow man who cannot help themselves. Even if it is viewed as a "will not" because some people "will not" because they know not how. I am a liberal because I believe in an energy that connects us all... allowing for free will and free thought. It is in others experience we rise to greater truths of who we are and what we are capable of. I believe in the words Liberty and Justice for all, not one man, woman, child should suffer at the hands of the inhumane. We have equal rights across the board. I believe in a government that should support our individuality and should be protecting us from micro-managing our lives."

Sherry Lynn Morrison :
"I'm a liberal because I've met too many people along my travels who are conservatives that have said more than once to me whenever we talk politics, "What has the government done for me?" All they cared about was how some bill or... law would affect them personally and how it would affect their pocketbook. Plain and simple. Never once have I heard them make any comment on how it would help society as a whole. In addition, I find that they lack compassion and understanding for their fellow man. They just don't care. That is why I'm a liberal. "

Brook Ellis:
"People are deeply flawed, but we have abilities that separate us from every other creature on this planet. That gift allows us to think outside of ourselves, if we choose to do it. I think the mix of different views and cultures make this country special; something new. I believe it's America for everyone, not just those who somehow think, due to the luck of birth, that they are entitled to it, more than other Americans. I think words like empathy, altruism, education, progress are not slurs. Let people get married to whomever--like it even matters. I believe in environmental responsibility, civil liberty and justice for all. That's just of the top of my head, but those are some reasons why I cant be a Republican or Conservative or whatever they are trying to call it now."

Mark Steven Szkoda:
" I am a liberal because what else could I be ? I have children and have to look at them every day, I have employees and have to face them and most importantly I cannot avoid myself in the mirror while shaving"

Kim Moore:
"I am liberal because of what the people before me wrote-caring people of integrity. Nobody is more important than any other person on this planet-regardless of birthright,earning ability,who you sleep with,etc. Physical looks,athletic ability, or power don't make you "special". My Parents were brought up to respect all,and so was I,and I have tried to share that concept amongst people whose path I cross. I have preached that minorities be proud of their differences,and that was before I realized I was a minority.So obviously I stick up for the little guy,or the guy that has no voice,or the person whose lifestyle many people judge and don't respect. America of all places should be a beacon of enlightenment and forward thinking. Everybody has problems,and it takes all of our effort's to make everybody's life a little easier. Life is not easy. I think a liberal point of view tries to help the common person,and to make this world a healthier,prettier, and safer place to live."

Johnny Cash

In the comments let us know why you are a Liberal!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Utah County Democrats have a new leader

Will Matheson is Utah counties new chair. I do hope he will be speaking out more and not telling people not to talk about Obama and the Health Care. I also hope he does not go around asking Republicans to run! Let's hear it for the new chair. Will keep Utah Democrats Up dated.