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Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Why do people believe as they do? Wild fires are in Texas and many Texans want to blame Obama instead of their Govenor Rick Perry

In contemplating this, I wondered, Why do conservatives continue to believe lies when they make no sense. Then I saw this quote: "How many lies can you allow yourself to believe, before you belong to the lie?" –Mort Sahl"

I was frustrated to say the least today. I was on FB today and I noticed a friend of mine posting a link about "Texas wild fires." She added this to the top "Call Washington and ask why is it they will not help Texas fight Forest Fires? To be President is to serve regardless of political affiliation and differences." If you came across this post with out any knowledge about the subject you might agree with this statement. If you made a judgment based on this one statement and jumped in the "yell at Obama for not doing anything about this horrible situation with the fires" wagon, you might be guilty of believing a lie. I came along reading this post and decided to straighten out this misrepresentation. I first stated that Republican Governor Rick Perry from Texas was offered money, but did not agree to pay it back. Then I decided to post a link which I felt was unbiased. The poster chose not to look at the link. They had an opportunity to educate them selves on the subject but chose not to so. Many people have missed opportunities to grow. Truth can be handed to them yet they refuse to look. I could not understand this persons rationality, as they have been an out spoken Environment advocate. Yet, they sat at their computer further typing Obama hate words.They actually spit on the man who has supported their cause. Why? They believe the lie. They further attacked me for having a personal cause, and posting propaganda. This again made no sense. I do stand for a cause. They are partly right, but the cause I stand for is not personal it is a cause for all people. Martin Luther King once said "I Have A Dream" Gandhi too had a dream, Jesus had a dream. The Dream that all people can live in harmony with each other. The dream that no one will be judged or hated based upon the color of their skin, religion, gender, or sexual orientation. That all people have the same opportunities to live a full and happy life, that with in that life they can find justice. That no person should go to bed hungry. That our fellow man should have a safe place to rest his head.That all people should never worry about how they are going to pay for their Health care or worry if they can even get treated, then worry if they can afford the medicine.That human life is valued. We do not kill because of our differences. I too have this Dream. These ideas are not mine they have always been with us. I only hope that what ever I do will contribute to this Dream. Why do people think how they do. ""How many lies can you allow yourself to believe, before you belong to the lie?" –Mort Sahl"

If someone tells you to do something that detours you from the Dream, then you know it is a lie. Always seek for truth and when you find it , it will feel good! It will be good to all man kind.

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