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Friday, June 10, 2011

Health care Point by Point: What don't you like about it?

Before you say you are against Obama Care why dont' you check out the short may just like it... Hopefully


  1. Its a sin that Big Business has so many of our congressional leaders and judges in their back pockets! The lower and middle income class need an affordable health care plan and Obama at least had the guts to try. Those opposed and Fox News continue to lie thru their teeth to destroy the plan all in the name of getting undeserved votes for their party members!

  2. Yes Anonymous, that is so true. I become so frustrated that the very people who complain about the bill, do not even want to look at the short version , which can help them understand the bill and see the lies that the Republicans have put out there.Instead they continue to pass on these lies. I want to continue to expose the lies and I am glad I live in a country in which I can freely do this. I truly am grateful that we now have a President that cares more for the every day person than the Big dollars....obvious by the many promises he has kept, and bills he has supported. I am proud to say Obama is my President!

  3. A Note of caution: This is a Technical Paper, and as such will be difficult to comprehend for some people. It will be helpful to be sure you understand that; FQHCs =Federally Qualified Health Centers , as this Abbreviation is used frequently. Second, this will be a "Medicaid" Program, which will mean that it is ran, ( primarily) by the States,Which means that We who live in "RED STATES" will probably have to wait until after the STATE wast's a few Million "TAX PAYER DOLLARS", fighting it all the way to the "SUPREME COURT"!
