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Sunday, March 27, 2011

The Forgotten Man

This was the name of a beautifully painted offensive painting done by a man named Jon McNaughton. I came across it on a dear friends FB, that unfortunately had some negative rhetoric about our Prez, and I could not help but rebuttal. I was glad to find someone liking my rebuttal. The Painting had many of our past presidents on it, but as you looked at it you would begin to see a disturbing message, as he paints Obama stepping on the constitution. I HAVE BEEN AMAZED AT THE KIND OF RHETORIC THAT HAS BEEN GOING AROUND ABOUT OUR PRESIDENT. Amazed at how some of my fellow Utahans quickly jump on the ban wagon. The Republican Ban Wagon. Lots of false negative rhetoric drummed up by the Republican Party. The kind of negative messages that spread hate instead of love and hope, this painting did this, and not the kind of message Jesus would ever endorse.
After an election it use to be the country would come together and support our leaders. The parties would come together and support the President elect. From day one President Obama has had to battle negative rhetoric and lack of support from the Republican leaders since before he was sworn into office and it hasn't let up. He has committed nothing immorally wrong, and nothing that he could be impeached for, and has bent over backwards to try and work with the Republican party. So much so that he has upset some of his democratic leaders and voters. I personally say "Obama forget it, you will never find reason with in the party that seems to care nothing for the people and appears to only want to win an election and not focus on make America better." Another painting quite offensive was of the savior Jesus holding the constitution, while this artist yells about entitlement programs and how they need to be eliminated. I would love to know how he would explain on judgment day his position on feeding the needy, speaking out for the oppressed and poor, and his lack of support for a fair wage to the working class. I know Jesus always told us how difficult it would be for a wealthy man to enter the kingdom of heaven and how the meek would inherit the earth. I think not only does he not understand the constitution but also does not understand who Jesus was and is,and yet he paints both of them. The constitution was a document that was never perfect, and was actually a document that was pro Federal Government supported by the Federalist, it was the Anti- Federalist that wanted them to add the Bill of Rights because they feared losing individual rights. Our first 10 amendments were the Bill of rights and I am so glad we have them. Jon spoke about the constitution, yet another person commented on this painting after I posted it in a fb group saying "His message of Obama stepping on the constitution displays an appalling lack of understanding as to nature of the constitution. " I couldn't agree more.This commenter gave him an A in Art and an F in civics. This is not an artist I would ever buy a painting from. The Forgotten Man is right Jon, you have forgotten all that he has done for our country in only 2 years, could you possibly look a little deeper. Next post will be what Obama has done for our country since he took office.

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