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Monday, March 28, 2011

Obama and the Pledge of allegiance

I can not believe the lengths people will go to smear our president. From attacking him about not putting his hand over his heart in a picture and the video of this picture this was filmed and the picture was taken when he was running for president. Obama was on a stage with other candidates,instead he was singing the national Anthem, along with a lady singing it. The flag was a picture behind them for the stage.

Obama explaining the pledge of allegiance to students in a school.
A heckler yelling at Obama about the pledge What a patient guy that Obama is.

Obama defending himself from silly rumors

Obama sets the record strait in Iowa, ""classic dirty trick," the Illinois Democrat told his supporters to correct the record and that the image is not what it appears to be.

"This is just so irritating," Obama responded. "This was not the Pledge of Allegiance. This woman was singing the Star Spangled Banner. Now, I was taught by my grandfather that you put your hands over your heart during the Pledge of Allegiance. The Star Spangled Banner, you sing. So that's what I did."

The photo was taken this summer at Sen. Tom Harkin's annual steak fry in Indianola, Iowa.

Just so you know there are pictures of other Presidents doing the same, but all the pledge of allegiance supporters never said a word, they all voted for some of these guys. Bush was one. There are many more of Presidents not doing this , yet the Republicans will continue to make a issue of this regarding Obama. The rumor is not true!

1 comment:

  1. It bothers me to that President Obama is constantly being attacked from all angles viciously and also subliminally as if he had a huge target on his back . So comes with the position of the job of President of the United States I suppose . However in his case it just seems to be to blatantly consistent ! Why we must ask ourselves is this happening to such a good upstanding family man and citizen ? A guy who puts family first and then all of the American people , even before himself ?

    I think we all know the answer if we search our thoughts long enough . Jackie Robinson was the first Black Major League Player and he was scrutinized in every city where the Dodgers went to play ball by prejudice hecklers . He was pushed around and leaned on harshly when he attempted to steal bases by his opponents along with being addressed with racial slurs and death threats . Yet he , " Turned the Other Cheek" and just smiled at them knowing all along that he could not retaliate back and give the press any ammunition to in any way scrutinize him .

    The same goes for Barrack Obama as he smartly side steps the slurs and unjustified attacks on his issues , character ,religious beliefs , birth place , Education ,etc.

    But most of us are optimistic and enthusiastic about Barrack Obama as we truly know this man was put in place , " For The People and By The People" because of his special talents consisting of Intelligence , Common Sense ,and his will to do good by the American People of our great Nation .
