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Sunday, March 20, 2011

Republican legislators in Minnesota have introduced a bill to criminalize carrying cash for anyone on public assistance.

Republican legislators in Minnesota have introduced a
bill to criminalize carrying cash for anyone on public assistance.

Can anyone really justify this kind of thinking?

Well actually someone tried to on FB. I will not list their names, to protect the innocent but here goes: Conservative commenter: "I read the article and am wondering what their ogic is? Are they attempting to stop people from getting cash and using it for the wrong purpose? I am ignorant on such things -- I thought you got housing assistance and food assistance but ...was unaware of cash - unless it was for mothers of children with no child support. And it looks like they can get money - just not a lot at once. Debit card is still money just more controllable about where it is spent. So how does this preent peopel from looking for work? I missed the connection - but as I said - I don't know much about gvt. assistance."
Of coarse this Conservative commenter would never call themselves ignorant ( I believe it was sarcasm), and wanted you to know they have never been on public assistance. People who brag about this fact tend to be people who look down on those who are on public assistance. Then a response to this was another commenter explaining how government assistance works. Then the Conservative commenter stated this: "Interesting" Then a liberal commenter wrote:"‎@------- "Interesting", That's all you have to say? ------, I thought for sure being the conservative fiscal person you are that you would be yelling about the spending on these machines and tax payers paying for it and the cost of changing it and government getting into peoples lives...Oh I forgot if you need assistance because the cost of living is so dang high, and your income is so dang low, you are no longer a person but property of the us government.....better to scream about the health care bill that could benefit everyone. Now that is Interesting. I do not believe because someone makes more money or they have never had to use assistance makes them better than anyone else. "Before you criticize a man, walk a mile in his moccasins." “Don't judge any man until you have walked two moons in his moccasins”~Indian proverb and a good one." Sorry but I have to agree with the Liberal commenter and ironically they seemed to be more concerned about government in peoples lives including the poor. I am passionate about those suffering in our country and do not take lightly legislation that dehumanizes people ,nor stay silent to those who speak out in support of it or justifying it.

1 comment:

  1. Guess how the conservative commenter finally ended their conversation? Well the liberal tried to help the conservative understand their philosophy, it was wordy but it was clear and should have been enlightening and helpful to the Conservative. The liberal obviously took time to write and tried to help the conservative understand. The conservative said it was to long to read there for giving it no validity, and for the liberal to just swim away. This is so similar to the health care bill, it is to long to read, I don't want to understand, Take it away liberals I'm not going to go there even if it does help me. Swim away? I'd like to see them tell a shark that!
