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Thursday, November 18, 2010


This link is a must in understanding the process of the Health Car Bill, and what it went through. Also lets you see what an amazing President Obama is, and how some valiant people fought for health care for all, but had to compromise through the process. It also lets you see how much time Republicans really had to review. Very good article.


  1. Healthcare in 2010 should be a human right

  2. Yes Mark it should be. It was a bi-partisan issue. Unfortunately the Republican Party made it otherwise, by using hot words like “Killing Grandma,” “Abortion Funding.” “Socialism,” “Taxes,” “Government control” and how are we going to pay for it? It was a political maneuver to divide people. If a Party cannot stand behind a fundamental human need, than one must conclude it is not the party of the people. It started out that the majority of the Democratic Party supported Universal. We now have this watered down piece of legislation that pretty much bent to the will of many Republicans and Republican/Dems who at the end did not support it. It was not what I had hoped for but it is a start and I understood the necessity to get it through before this next election. If it hadn’t we would be looking at another 6 to 10 years of nothing being done for the people in the health care realm. Insurance companies needed more control placed on them than what was placed on them. Why didn’t the Republicans support that? Republicans take up the flag on “Mandate” (knowing people do not like being forced) to over turn the whole bill, instead of amending the bill. I personally believe mandate should not be there without a public option, as I do not see anything that has limited the insurance companies premiums. Why don’t the Republicans do something about that? Their actions tell us their interest lie with the insurance companies as they scream “Tort Reform.” The even sadder thing is, you have poor and middle class citizens that stand behind a party that does not care about their fundamental needs, and continues to support big business. Thanks for your comment =) I so AGREE!

  3. I forgot to mention that none of those HOT words used by the Republican Party were true.
