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Thursday, November 18, 2010


My husband volunteered to help with Obama’s campaign. They asked my husband to go to Colorado and knocked on doors to ask Colorado residents to vote for Obama. The Democratic Party chose Colorado, as it was more of a swing state. Utah has remained consistently Red. Even with Bush at the Helm . Yes, we were filled with enthusiasm. We had a candidate that gave us something to believe in. It was my Husbands first year to be able to vote in the election, as he was now a citizen of the United States. I actually believed Obama had a chance in Utah. Obama did bring new voters out and increased the percentage of votes for a Democratic president in Utah. He inspired me to want to do more for my country, and for the party that had been speaking up for the people, the workers.

I will confess that I was not always an Obama fan. I was a Hillary Rodham Clinton Fan. The Ilunga house was divided in the primary. I would say to my husband, “Why are you supporting this guy?” "Who is he? This guy from Chicago, Obama” Obama sounded like Osama, a terrorist leader of Al Queda, that took part in the advocacy of the plane attacks on September 11. Obama’s middle name Hussein was the last name of Saddam, the Crazy leader of Iraq, whom the United States was now at war with. His name did not matter to me just thought it was kind of ironic. I like his name “Barrack” and it means “Blessed by God” I just did not know any thing about him. Then I would go on to say “Hillary has been fighting for the people most of her life.” Remember when she said, “It takes a village” how true those words were. I have repeated that line many times in my life. It does take a village. In my past I had distantly followed her. I was never truly active in politics except to vote. I had been an activist for clean air and water in Florida. Knocking door to door in my later 20’s. I remember once while I was out canvassing in ST Peters burg in Florida an older man had a conversation with me in his yard. There was a bit of wisdom in which he spoke that I never forgot. He said, “be careful of all the laws you make as eventually they take away your freedoms” I have often pondered on that, and saw much truth in it.
I did express my viewpoints when the moment presented it’s self. Especially when people would make statements that were not true about Democrats, or issues. I openly would state what I supported, and what I didn’t. When I was younger it was Hillary Clinton whom was the pioneer of Health Care Reform, unfortunately America was not ready. She was sincere and passionate. I wanted Hillary to become the first American women President. I actually donated to her campaign. She deserved it and she had earned it. My husband would say, “Deb, give Obama a chance, listen to what he has to say. He sounds like you!” Being loyal, I was not going to listen to Obama, I stood by Hillary in the primary and actually cried when she lost. We followed the states and I would dance around when Hillary took a state( kind of like when we would watch a football game or basketball game but we were supporting different teams and my team scored,) My excitement did not last long as that evening Obama was declared the victor and Hillary graciously gave the baton to Obama. My Hillary team had lost the primary. I wondered what the heck are delegates, and why do they get to decide? I am pointing out here my lack of knowledge of how this political process works. What are super delegates? I said to my husband in tears “Obama should make Hillary his VP.” My husband could not believe I had taken it so hard. My tears turned to anger and I said if he does not make her his VP I will not vote for him. Listening to the news others felt the same, so I found I was not alone in my feelings. My husband said, “Obama is wise he will offer her a position that will be best for her”. Well the Democrats were divided in the primary and waiting in suspense to see who Obama’s VP would be. Obama announced his choice and my heart sank again. Hillary was not the choice. I thought what a powerful ticket that could have been. What was he thinking? No doubt with her by his side the Dems would claim the White House and put our country back on track. Hillary asked us to come together. I had a hard time accepting her defeat. I thought about how strong she was as the first lady. When she had to endure the scandals and the infidelity of her husband. She carried herself with strength and class. She stayed loyal and brought the words forgiveness to the four front in her personal life. That takes great love and strength. In her defeat in the primary, I started looking at John McCain as an alternative. He was a war hero, and was not afraid to go against his party when he felt it was the right thing to do. I admired that, however, McCain did not speak how I felt. The day came when I finally LISTENED to Obama. It was on the night of his accepting the Democratic nomination His speech sent tingles down my body. Wow!! I could not help but listened. I saw a man whose words touched my heart. He spoke what I felt. That night I decided I wanted to know who this man was. That night was the starting point for the journey I would be taking as an out spoken advocate for Health care Reform and the battle against the insurance companies. It sparked a burning desire to try and grow the Democratic Party in Utah. To not be afraid to take steps to help create something better for my children,my family and friends and my fellow Americans. I was happy to join the Obama wave that was taking the country, and I have never regretted it. YES WE CAN! Go watch the speech


  1. After the acrimony of the primary's He could not ask Hillary. It would have looked like appeasement. Also IF the Obama presidency failed she would have been forever tied to it. She is doing a remarkable job right now and has positioned herself well for 2016.

  2. Yes, I agree. I was glad of the position she was given, and found that to be a very important role in our country. I knew she would do an amazing job. She has great heart! I am happy though for the steps Obama's administration has taken in behalf of the American people. I continue to find him amazing. Thank you for your comment!

  3. You know in 2016 she will have my vote!!!
