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Monday, November 8, 2010

We Can't Let Banks Control

"Banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies. If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around the banks will deprive the people of all property until their children wake-up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered." -Thomas Jefferson

My dear friend in Alaska posted this to her FB. Thomas Jefferson took the words out of my mouth very eloquently and he said it first!

We have people and politicians screaming about our new Health Care Bill! They are willing to take Tax payers money to fight something that will bring much good to their fellow man. In a hopes to over turn the whole bill. They use the mandate as their weapon, which could be true without a public option as it does not appear we have control over premiums, but why not amend that part instead of fighting to over turn the whole bill. Better yet support Public Option. For a party that claims they want fiscal responsibility this doesn't sound like a fiscally responsible move, especially when it has been said to help decrease the deficit in the long run.

If the Republican party really cares about the people then why don't they bring bills that reflect this. How about a bill that would bring some controls on the banks sense we gave them a bail out. Banks have their positives and negatives. When they start taking advantage of people and circumstances that's when we need to respond. I am outraged that banks have been able to charge their customers $25.00 to $30 dollars for every bounced check. Even if you were overdrawn by 1 cent. I am not saying someone has been charged this for being 1 cent over, but I know people get charged twenty five to thirty dollars for being 5 dollars over.This does not include what the other side charges.What kind of interest is that for not even getting a loan. This kind of acceptable behavior from the banks is criminal. For all you perfect check balance-rs kudos to you! Lest not forget those who are imperfect in a imperfect world. I have a story about how a five dollar check bounced due to bank error, and it cost over 200 dollars. Anyone want to hear it?

Could we get some control on the banks. I say if the government doesn't we should. We should implement a day or week to take all your money out of the bank, claiming if they do not do something about these fees we will continue not using their services. I wonder how they would like that? True Blue Party could initiate this peaceful defiance of Banks. We could pick a day and do it for one week. A little inconvenience for a great change to occur. We need enough people to help the banks feel it.

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