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Sunday, November 28, 2010


Fiscal responsibility???

This word has been looming around in the air for several years. It now has become "the word" that launches campaigns for politicians and decides who gets the vote.

Everyone is using "Fiscal Responsibility " as their platform, but do the voters really get what "Fiscal Responsibility" means? After looking at the results of this most recent election, which transferred some of the power over to the Republicans in the Senate, it is clear that most people do not understand what being fiscally responsible means.

After the vote came in and chairs changed, the media said, "Now we know what the people want." What the people want is based on no knowledge,no education, just on what the media tells them. If the voter truly wanted Fiscal Responsibility, they would not have voted out Democrats, as historically they have been the fiscally responsible party since WWII.

We jump on words like FISCALLY RESPONSIBLE, AND ENTITLEMENT, being spoon fed to us by the media and allow those words to cloud our historical perspective. This is evident especially when people keep voting for fiscally irresponsible candidates, from a fiscally irresponsible party.

Who are these candidates? Republicans! The chart above shows spending and revenues during Republican Presidents and Democratic Presidents, and the "Fiscally Responsible" party has been under the Democrats. It shows less spending and more revenue coming in. Even Jimmy Carter was more "Fiscally Responsible" than any Neo -Conservative, including Republicans ultimate model Ronald Reagan.

Republican party has proven that they care more about the rich in our country than the middle class or poor. This party would rather cut on the entitlement group known as medicaid, medicare, and social security than impose a fair tax on the wealthiest in our country.

How can one spend millions on a repeal of a piece of legislation such as Health Care Reform, that will decrease our deficit while it helps millions of Americans, and have you believe they stand for "Fiscal Responsibility."

The above chart is a historical track record of revenues and spending under both Republican and Democrats.

I have also given you a link to go and check out more facts on the National Debt..

After reviewing these facts I can only conclude that not only is the Republican Party inhumane , but lacks fiscal responsibility and has managed to cloud the American peoples perspective. Obama's administration inherited the huge deficit, caused by the Republican administration and their policies. Do "People" really want to go back to the same failed policies? Has The Republican strategy of cutting taxes for the rich ever boosted our economy? Democrats have stood behind you, the poor and middle class. You can now say, "Thank you" by voting for your local politician that stands behind our president! More than likely it is not a Republican!


  1. Homeless go without food. Elderly go without needed medicines. Mentally ill go without treatment. Troops go without proper equipment. Veterans go without benefits promised to them!!! Yet we donate millions of dollars to other countries before helping our own first! People support those who put America First! I understand the importance of helping others in our world that suffer, but if we do not help our own than the deterioration of our country comes slowly but surely and then we can not help others. To keep us strong in the world, we must remain strong ourselves.

  2. I so agree with this blog. And I could have written the previous comment myself! If this is how you feel, you need to connect with other people who feel the same way so that, by joining our voices, we will generate Power for Change!

  3. I embrace the platform and tenets of the GOP... of 40 years ago. Not this bloody lot who don't give 2 shits about me or you.

  4. Thank you for your comment. I agree, as the way they vote in congress tells me they do not care. I believe a huge part is the influence of Tea Party Radicals.
