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Friday, November 5, 2010


REPUBLICAN JASON CHAFFETZ WINS THE THIRD DISTRICT. Is that really news or just a given in Utah. On November 2, 2010 I went to the Poles to vote, like millions of other Americans. I live in the third district and my Representative is Republican Jason Chaffetz. I went to vote around 11:00 am. There were no lines. I thought how lucky I was to live were voting was easily accessible and no waiting. I had much to think about as I headed toward the place where I would cast my vote. It was a pleasant, beautiful day, which should have driven my spirits up, but some how I was not excited. The reason for lack of excitement was not because I live in Utah County where a Democrat has not been elected for over 13 years, but because there was no one on my ballot that I could really get excited about. Not only did no one move me, but also the choice I had on the Democratic ticket was a very nice, sincere lady named Karen Hyer who openly stated, “ I have always been a conservative.” She was not a registered Democrat and she would not have voted for Health Care. Although our Utah county Platform states we are for Universal Health Care. If it sounds like a duck it probably is a duck. She has openly stated that she decided to run because the UCD asked her to. I was a little sick to my stomach as my boys and I had spent numerous hours working in her behalf. I was not impressed with either Candidate. I did not care about their lengthy resume, as I know it does not take a rocket scientist to cast a vote. What I wanted to know is how were they going to vote. I already knew that Jason Chaffetz did not vote to extend the unemployment when we have millions out of work and no jobs. When Karen was asked what her reason for running she stated “I think we should have a balance in Utah, I am not a career politician” I have met her on several occasions and I like her, but Health Care is to important for me to look the other way. I went to the Jason Chaffetz and Karen Hyer debate. It was at this debate that I found out Karen would not have supported the Health Care Bill, but no explanation as to why? She stated she would not appeal it though. Jason did not support the Health Care Bill. When Jason spoke he parroted words like “Fiscal Responsibility” “What we need is tort reform”. Then he said one of the reasons he could not support the Health Care Bill is because Nancy Pelosi said, “We have to pass it to know what’s in it”. This is the same Republican rhetoric that people keep buying. That statement was quoted incorrectly and taken out of context. I wanted to yell “Chaffetz don’t you know what’s in it?” “ Don’t you have a responsibility to read the bill then judge it on it’s own merit?” I actually had wished I were up there debating him. The only thing I could do was sit back and watch. Karen could not have debated him on the Health Care Bill, as she wasn’t in opposition. And quit honestly with all these politicians credentials you think they would have read the bill that they oppose, and have some tangible reason for opposing it. Certainly Jason has had time by now! The debate was a flop for the Democrats. She called Jason out on being a career politician. I personally admire anyone who can see what they want and works hard for it. That is not a negative for Jason. If they do a good job they should keep the job. The people can always put term limits by voting them out. This argument of career politician would not sway a person to not vote for Jason. Jason boasted about sleeping on a cot and bringing some bill about airport screening machines. I don’t think airport machines screening is our top priority, unless we have none. What has been his contribution? Karen was annoyed with the “cot” story as Jason went to embellish in it again. She brought a point out that the government pays for Jason’s power, water for showers, and roof over his head. I say he is lucky as we have Americans who do not even have a roof over their heads. I want to know what he is going to do for them? His vote No on the extension of unemployment, if not passed could have lead to more homelessness. Luckily we have more compassionate leaders who are in touch with the real needs of the public. Not many of them use the Airport regularly, if at all. What about the people who have lost their homes? Karen stated that the “Cot” was all media hype. I tend to agree with her, as his response was “What I do in my personal life is no ones business.” My response is “You are right, but why do you keep making it public and using it to help you appear frugal, when other personal aspects of your life are not. You even have “cot” side chats.” It’s fine Jason, really, I don’t care if you want to sleep in your office on a COT, and I don’t mind that the government will cover the little extra cost. Does anyone remember the famous character Scrooge? He was frugal. Now it seems to be popular to say you are “frugal’, “cheap, “tight””. Jason bragged on a U Tube video that he gave no “free meals” in his campaign, and stated people liked that. Are the people in our country becoming that tight that they wouldn’t even buy Pizza for hard working students? Deseret News reported his campaign made $208,359, but no splurge for a 5-buck pizza! I do not believe that is who we are. Jason brags about this kind of behavior. I don’t care how you spend your money. I care how you VOTE. You voted NO on pretty much everything. You state that tax cuts will help. Tax cuts for whom? Obama has already given tax credits to small businesses. Did you vote for that? Bush Tax cuts for the wealthy did not help our economy and put us into a greater debt. If the Democrats do not give Republicans time to read the bills then take the initiative to pass a bill that will allow all of congress to have time to read the bill and then vote on it. Doing nothing is far more damaging then amending a bill. After the debate I knew Jason had won. He came across very sincere, and spoke well, but not much substance. He almost cried when talking about our soldiers. I give him credit for voting to bring them home when his party did not. I only give a drop of credit. I went up and spoke with him after the debate for a few seconds. I said to Jason, “Obama made sense when he talked about the Health Care Bill comparing it to a hole in the ceiling. He said some people are covered and some people are getting rained on, and heat continues to get out costing us more. We have to spend money to fix the hole so in the long run we will save and decrease our deficit and everyone will be covered and not getting rained on. Jason replied “Utah has “Hip” for High-risk people.” I never heard of Hip so I went to research it. Here is what I found A Utah government funded Health Care? Jason seems to be in favor of? I wonder if he read the Insurance Regulation Establishing Risk Pool, Utah State Legislature1990? What? A state government takes over of health care? JK (that would be a Republican spin to get people up in a tizzy) this Hip does not solve the problem and it has such constraints to it that it continues to leave millions out in the rain and our Taxes pay for part of it. Can people even afford the deductible? I will not vote for anyone who does not support Health Care for Americans. He states we need Tort Reform. Hey Jason, Utah already has tort reform. Does this mean you will vote against the Tort bill in congress because Utah has one?Is it changing the premiums? Utah has had Tort Reform since 1996. In a medical malpractice action, non-economic damages (those for pain, suffering, and inconvenience) may not exceed $250,000. Utah Code Ann. § 78-14-7.1 (1996). Less government? It doesn’t work and most people do not even know this. This violates due process, where a court can decide based on it’s merits what damages are allotted. Every situation is different and should be weighed on it’s own merit. So can anyone still say Mal practice lawsuits are driving the cost up on our insurance premiums? This is a lie that Americans have bought into, and now Chaffetz is parroting it. I sadly went to the poles and voted for those people who stood for my ideals. I did not change my principles just to elect my party candidate. I will be watching my elected officials and calling them out when they mislead the public. Especially when they want you to believe they are out fighting for you! =)JOIN TRUE BLUE AND MAKE A DIFFERENCE! BE A VOICE!


  1. Chaffetz is a terrible Representative. He is a fervent Tea Party disciple. He strongly pushed Cut, Cap and Balance, and wanted to freeze government spending at the level it was during the Eisenhower administration! He recklessly does not care about the families and working poor that it would hurt!

  2. You are so right Lisa! I just wish other people could see it! Hopefully they will .....soon!
