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Tuesday, January 25, 2011

America Needs Legal Reform not Mal practice, friviolous lawsuit reform

Tell your story of your legal experience, whether it be you were not given justice by judge or jury and your attorneys were the ones who got the bulk of the money. Tell your story of any lawsuit that was anything but frivolous. Your result. Please any experience with a court system that did not allow you to have a fair shake. Perhaps a lawsuit that could never be heard because of lack of funds or technicalities or an attorney who did nothing and lost for lack of diligence. How about attorney's who do not return calls for months at a time.We need to have a place to be fairly heard and judged without bias or corruption.


  1. Can you name a country that has a better legal system than ours? Sure, ours is not perfect, but how many other systems would "appoint a lawyer to you if you can not afford one."

  2. I Love my country,but that does not make me turn a blind eye to problems with in it. It does not make me say we are America and we are the best, so I do not have to make it better. It does not make me say "I do not need change in the judicial system to make the judicial system stay true to what it was intended." To allow all people to seek justice without violence, not just the wealthy. In the system today there exist problems, huge. Sit one day in a probate court and you can witness legal stealing of peoples property, etc, by the sound of a hammer. In the dark ages you could kill someone for doing that. Even in the old west. Probate I know much about. I can tell you that you can have attorneys paid to represent you at astronomical fees, and fail to represent you. You can lose a case and all you own if they do not file timely. I have not studied other places legal system. Nor do I care about other countries legal system as I do not live there, and the only reason I would study it is to gain knowledge of what works and doesn't somewhere else and implement it here.. but if my attitude was we have the best well who would I learn from You are only appointed an attorney if you commit a crime for defense. You do not get layers appointed if you suffer from an injury or need defense or prosecution in a lawsuit, etc..if you do not have money. Even if you have a case you might get an attorney on a contingency...but unless he sees a lot of dollars signs it is not going to happen. My Grandfather had an estate that today would have left me in the 1%, but because of corruption it was legally stolen. The courts, lawyers, judges, and people with more power and money made out like a bandit....and it happens every day. Godfather was not a fictitious story it was based upon a true story of legal crime...with bought off officials ...if you do not believe this exist ..when I finish my book.. you can read it, and it will hopefully be an eye opener. If I don't finish the book then hopefully someone else will pick up the torch. My personal story is witness to how we need to improve our system and we do not need to take away anything from the common man as they have so little recourse as it is.
