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Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Obama's State Of The Address

I enjoyed listening to this. Obama always trying to be a fair President. It was great until he open the door and said he was willing to address frivolous lawsuits. that was a bump in the road for me, but all and all a wonderful speech, by a great President. I have a very strong stand on this issue. I think I need to have a little talk with the Prez. It does not cost the government money or effect our deficit by placing caps on peoples damages. I believe it is unconstitutional to take away or make it difficult for people to pursue there only recourse when seeking justice. It is already burdensome to seek or get justice. Where is it OK to tell people there is limits upon your damages.Only thing that should be reformed is Legal fees, and an easier recourse for those seeking justice. Un complicate the court system. Put some rules and control on judges that act like dictators , and expect respect but don't show it. They are there to listen to the whole story and rule according to law. In most court hearings especially probate they don't even want to here what you have to say, and all the while your goodly attorney who probably barley gave your case thought (and that's if you can afford one) until the day of court. I have experienced this. Not saying all lawyers, but if I have experienced this then I am sure there are thousands out there with the same problem. An attorney can get paid up to 400 and hour just to show an appearance and then not to mention your friendly calls and driving time, and billing everyone whom they represented that day the same,even if they did not just handle their case individually in that time frame. I had an attorney named Brain Tanko in Nevada Probate that ran up 50, 000.00 in legal fee's in less than 1 year. Take a guess how many times he went to court. Then we were charged for having to call and email requesting things we already had requested. Lawyers, judges...stick together...Then you can loose on a technicality. When a court does not even try to get to the truth...what good is it? When a Probate commissioner keeps repeating "this is a 25 year old estate" and does not give weight to anything but the fact he wants it closed quickly never mind anything else including thew wonder why anyone would ever make a law that would effect the every day person from a fair hearing , judgment, and ruling...which would include all damages...The court system and it's fiduciaries fail people everyday..lets work on changing that!It's the everyday guy who gets the shaft in lawsuits. Obama, do not support this kind of action and be a louder voice for public option. You can not ask people to buy health insurance from privatized companies who do not have a limit on how high a premium can go. You do not protect the people when you do this. Provide a public option that never goes up in premiums and is reasonable to what people can afford along with all their other bills and taxes.

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