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Sunday, January 9, 2011

Arizona Democratic Congress Women Shot and battles for life!

After reading this story Congresswoman Giffords battles for life after shooting I stopped to think about how things people say and do can evoke violence in a mind that is filled with hate. This story is about a Democratic congress women who was shot, along with others. A nine year old child life was taken in this shooting. I thought "What kind of world do we live in?" What kind of human would justify this kind of action? I also realized how important the message "Hope not Hate"and "Love one another" is. We need to take a stronger stand in nonviolent actions to make change. If a person insights hate, what can the outcome be? I hope that my words will only bring thoughts of how we can do better, how we can grow as humans, how we can use reason instead of anger, how we can extend love and friendship to those who are different than ourselves, and look to the good in others. I do not say to turn a blind eye to the violence and hate, as it should be addressed. I do not say pretend it does not exits. I do say govern your actions. Think before you act. If your religious beliefs dictate to love one another, then make that your action.


  1. Deb, I don't believe, or want to believe this was because Ms. Giffords was a Democrat. Jared Loughner is a severely deranged individual who weilded a Glock 19 either indiscrimanently or with full-on purpose. He even had a picture posted on his Facebook page of this gun and gun videos. His FB page was removed immediately incidently. To blame poor gun control on those hateful persons who own guns is wrong too because if a person wants a gun badly enough, they will get one. Since he is not cooperating with the officials there is a lot of sensationalism, rumour, and conjecture going on with the corporate media and until we know what pushed this young man over the edge, e.g., if we ever DO find out, your question "What kind of human would justify this kind of action?" is unanswerable. It is a pitiful situation. I do believe media interviews with the town officials has been on target however, the State of Arizona being so near the border has become the capital of racism and bigotry.

    Quote For The Day: 'I object to violence because when it appears to do good, the good is only temporary; the evil it does is permanent'. Mahatma Ghandi
    CH, (you know me!)

  2. Carol, I too did not want to believe it, however, the shooting took place at a congressional event in her district. I also believe by placing better gun controls is not advocating that we take away our right to bear arms. We must continue to advocate non violence any where possible. We must be more careful what we say as it can evoke hate. The blame of this act falls on the shooter. We still should do all we can to make sure these acts do not repeat themselves. Thanks for your comment Carol.

  3. I've got to say maybe he he has the "smarts" to know what he was doing and maybe not. THE FBI is going to need the best criminal psychologists to figure him out. What one has to take into consideration is the violence on network TV which raises network ratings but subliminally tells deranged people like Jared, 'Hey, if they can do it, then why shouldn't I be able to do it?'

    Or maybe he was just trying to get some attention. Just like Clay Duke who opened fire last month 12/15/10 at the Panama City school board meeting before he killed himself. Or the fellow in Missouri at the council meeting who shot and killed 5 council members before the police killed him on 2/5/2008. These people are declaring war on our leaders and what is to stop them? Don't forget Columbine.

    I was thinking to myself late yesterday how he's going to get a free defense lawyer, food, clothing, room and board, AND the right to a speedy trial which will drag on and on in this insanely bureaucratic judicial system DESPITE the fact he murdered a Chief Judge, a nine year old child plus 4 others and severely disabled 13 others. Then, even IF he gets capital punishment, he will sit in prison on death row for years to come at the expense of US taxpayers.

    I have no answers other than early interventions and public awareness as to who might be unstable or have the propensity for rage and violence. I mean did Jared have connections to violent extremist groups or did he just snap and go on a killing spree? Our prisons are chocked full of violent criminals and paedophiles just like they are full of relatively minor law breakers like drug addicts or tax evaders. Cut the non-violent offenders and make room for the really bad guys?

  4. You know I always hear how our prisons and jails are full, and yet they manage to keep misdemeanor violators in for not paying a traffic ticket. You have a point anonymous.Wasn't prison meant to keep the violent offenders away from society? To protect the innocent. I always believe anyone who does something like this has something wrong with their thinking. You also are right about early intervention. The problem is many legislators will not vote for funds to fund a program that will possibly help in an intervention. I was traveling across country and ran into an old gentle homeless man in Amarillo Texas. After talking to him awhile it was apparent he was living on the streets do to mental illness. He was skinny and a little hesitant as to my wanting to help him. I gave him some money and food and talked him into letting the police take him to the hospital. He had no family in the US. I was told by the officer that there was no place that would take him in. Their were no funds or programs. He said if he wasn't considered suicidal they would just release him. This man was not violent, but I could still see how important the need of help was for many out there. I think you have some good ideas though and possibly a solution that can help reduce violence in America. I also believe poverty increases violence, and violent crimes. Hate also causes violence.

  5. prisons are a business now. The big debate in alabama right now is whether to build even more prisons or to revisit the way punishment is handed out. Prison does little or no rehabilitation anymore, to be fair there is no budget for it. The public objects to any "coddling" of inmates with their tax dollars.
    No politician wants to stand up and admit that the system is broken because he would lose the next election. There are plenty of solutions that would work long term but they all cost money and that would be unpopular.

  6. Yep Anonymous the justice system and correctional system could use an over haul. There is so much to be said about the prison system. I think I will save it for another day...Investing in a good rehabilitation system for those who can be rehabilitated seems like a good start. It will pay for it's self if it is done right.
