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Sunday, January 9, 2011

What motivated the Shooting?

Violence is not the answer, "What motivated the shooting" perhaps once we get a look into the mind of Jared , we will find out what motivated his actions. Is the greatest motivator in violence "Hate", lack of understanding,blame, drugs? The more we think money is more important than life, the more we miss the solutions. A safe with a letter has been found were he states "I planned a head." A profile is being put together.


  1. I just got an inbox on my fb from a man who tried to state this kid was tied to communists, and implied that communists = liberal Democrats. After getting this ignorant message, I found that it has been said he was tied to a Hate group, much like the Klu Klux Klan. This was a conservative hate group. Not implying that conservatives think like this, but it should show how idiotic people can be. Democrats do not = Communists.

  2. I would block the ignorant man who stated something like that because their are many who believe what he believes. It's wrong.

  3. I know the sad thing is you are right. However, I can not block someone who states what they think it would go against my philosophy! However, I am always able to give a clarification on the limited short sighted comment, and hopefully plant a seed and perhaps it can grow. I find people who make those kind of comments, have limited their education. They do not rally understand what the bad part of communistic practice. It's not the giving it is the limiting of freedom.
